Books on Personal Finance

Here are some great books on personal finance.

As soon as we have the chance to put some reviews up, we will. In the meantime, feel free to browse reviews on by clicking the link to each book. Many of these books are best-sellers, so you'll have plenty of opinions to choose from. :-)

The best personal finance books are ones that give you a great personal finance education. Unfortunately, our educational system doesn't train kids or young adults in successful money management, so it's important to teach yourself and your family. Get the personal finance help you need and take control of your money!

Click on any of these links in order to purchase the books from Or, save some money and check them out at your local library. If you decide you need the book as a reference, then go ahead and buy a copy.

Our favorites: Dave Ramsey, David Bach and Suze Orman. We found Bach's "Automatic Millionaire" and workbook especially helpful. We'd already implemented some of his suggestions on our own, so it was nice to be vindicated. His "Latte Factor™" alone is worth the price of the book!